Tuesday, October 28, 2014


minggu lepas minggu akhir
aku keje kat Pelikan
aku tak sempat cerita
tak teringat nak cerita pun
sebab aku berat hati
berat hati nak tinggalkan

ni ibarat comfort zone aku
semua baik-baik
semua tak tercela
tapi bila kau duduk dalam comfort zone terlalu lama
u know what i mean

bos aku paling best kat sini
bos direct aku
and...spanjang aku berkerja dlm hidup
dia bos paling terbaik penah dapat

tapi maybe jodoh as bos-pekerja tak lama
i left
n she let me go
macam cite cinte

Salam2 bos aku tak cakap banyak
Terus blah
Begenangggg mata
Mintak maaf bagai kat wassap je

Nanti aku attach gamba naaa
Arini second day aku kat tempat baru
Nampak tak
Takde keja
Siap update blog.


Thursday, October 23, 2014


"A man said to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, "Advise me." He replied, "Do not become angry." . 

Monday, October 20, 2014

#MisahMerayap ke #LorongBelakang #LamanSeniS7

lama tak bercerita
how's weekend?
weekend kak misah osem gilah aritu
dipenuhi jiwa2 seni gitew...

ok memula kua umah p lunch picnic @ tasik
aku masak hokeyyyy
haaa...kau hadooo
main dish segala hapa suma aku masak
nebes iolsss
ermmm...ok ok
jangan harap aku nak tunjuk!

ok...after tu pegi Laman Seni Seksyen 7
landmark tutti frutti
p kat lorong tepi tu sure nampak
sepanjang lorong tu ade hasil seni

brader ni lame gile posing kat sini. nak buat album ke ape. ekekeke

"ermm...abg bley tepi sikit tak...sy nak acah2 model jugak" haaaaa

penat aku re-pose acah-acah slim kauuu...haaaa

rerumput tu dlm gambo nampak real kan?

menyamar jadi gitar. sape nampak aku? hahaha

ni antara yang paling smart

ehh? ade laaagi brader ni.
erm...tapi...brader ni hakmilikza hokeyyy
jangan memain haaaa...haaaaaaa


Thursday, October 16, 2014

#MisahSukaMakan @ Hunger Valley

Ujan-ujan ni
dapat minum teh o panas
nasik panas ke kan
sambal tumbuk

tapi aku scroll gamba lam phone
ini yang menggiurkan
nasib la dekat dengan umah
mau balik keje kang aku p repeat

lokasi di seksyen 16
cam biasa traffic light simpang 4
kanan puspakom
kiri sport planet
kalau ko kedepan lagi akan ke padang jawa

lampu ijau
haaa masuk gear
gerak kedepan slow-slow....
terus buat lirikan manja ke kanan
kat area shoplot tu
kompommm nampak hunger valley
2 saat lepas tu ko nmpak simpang boleh ke kanan
cusssss masuk terussss parking

nahhhhh kauuuuuuu
kek batik die memang letusssss
aku eksaited time nampak kat menu
yelahhh feveret kan
member aku curious takut tak sedap
aku tak kira
order jugak

hahhh kauuuu...
tak sempat cair pon eskrem
sambil berzikir sedapp....sedap...

aku makan set nasi with chicken buttermilk
ok la
kena makan time panas
kalau tak ko muak
sedap lagi yang kat ss15 tu
ade aku penah cite
rajin sket la selak page lame

aku expect ade western food lebih
kalau nak masakan melayu...
ermmm...baik aku meluncur kedepan lagi sampai padang jawa tu ha

tapi sebab kek batik ni
kurelakan jiwwwaaaaa
untuk repeat lagi yep...
tu je

Wednesday, October 8, 2014



aku datang lagi


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Then it's LOVE

this is re-post...got from shearasol's page

Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing and is your voice caught within your chest??
-It isn't love, it's LIKE.

You can't keep your eyes or hands off of them, am I right??
-It isn't love, it's LUST.

Are you proud, and eager to show them off??
-It isn't love, it's LUCK.

Do you want them because you know they're there??
-It isn't love, it's LONELINESS.

Are you there because it's what everyone wants??
-It isn't love, it's LOYALTY.

Are you there because they kissed you, or held your hand??
-It isn't love, it's LOW CONFIDENCE.

Do you stay for their confessions of love, because you\don't want to hurt them??
-It isn't love, it's PITY.

Do you belong to them because their sight makes your heart skip a beat??
-It isn't love, it's INFATUATION.

Do you pardon their faults because you care about them??
-It isn't love, it's FRIENDSHIP.

Do you tell them every day they are the only one you think of??
-It isn't love, it's a LIE.

Are you willing to give all of your favorite things for their sake??
-It isn't love, it's CHARITY.

Does your heart ache and break when they're sad??
-Then it's LOVE.

Do you cry for their pain, even when they're strong??
-Then it's LOVE.

Do their eyes see your true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts??
-Then it's LOVE.

Do you stay because a blinding, incomprehensible mix of pain and relation pulls you close and holds you there??
-Then it's LOVE.

Do you accept their faults because they're a part of who they are??
-Then it's LOVE.

Are you attracted to others, but stay with them faithfully without regret??
-Then it's LOVE.

Would you give them your heart, your life, your death??
-Then it's LOVE.

Now, if love is painful, and tortures us so, why do we love? Why is it all we search for in life? This pain, this agony? Why is it all we long for? This torture, this powerful death of self? Why? The answer is so simple cause it's...LOVE. It is such an addictive thing that even people who are not having it wish to experience it and share it with others as well.